SASS font-face mixin

  • tutorials
  • frontend
  • css
  • scss

Importing the variations of a font can be a very tedious job with CSS only. Languages like SASS help a lot to reduce the burden.


Anybody interested in web development, with the basic knowledge of SASS.


Create a SASS mixin allowing to import a complex set of font variations.

Targeted / tested browsers

  • Chrome (latest)
  • Firefox (latest)
  • Chrome for Android (latest)

Techniques used

  • SASS Mixin
  • SASS Map
  • SASS Array
  • SASS Function



The implementation below is based on maps to describe the variation details such as file, weight and style. addFontFace receives:

  • the name of the font-family
  • the base path where the font files are stored
  • the list of supported formats, will be used in format('...') and to decide the file extension)
  • the list of font definition as returned by createFontMap

It could also be done with a 2 dimensions array. It would be required to check the array length before accessing an index in order to avoid getting errors.

@function createFontMap($file, $weight:normal, $style:normal) {
  $def: (
    file: $file,
    weight: $weight,
    style: $style
  @return $def;

@mixin addFontFace($fontFamily, $basePath, $formats, $defList) {
  @each $def in $defList {
    $src: ();
    @each $format in $formats {
      $ext: $format;

      @if ($format == 'truetype') {
        $ext: 'ttf';

      $url: url('#{$basePath}/#{map_get($def, 'file')}.#{$ext}') format(quote($format));
      $src: append($src, $url, comma);

    @font-face {
      font-family: quote($fontFamily);
      font-weight: map_get($def, 'weight');
      font-style: map_get($def, 'style');
      src: $src;

Writing this post for a font with a couple of variations would appear overkill. This is the reason why I choose the font Montserrat and its 18 styles for the demo below.

@include addFontFace(Montserrat, 'tutorials/fonts/montserrat', ('woff', 'woff2'), (
  createFontMap('montserrat-latin-100', 100),
  createFontMap('montserrat-latin-100italic', 100, italic),
  createFontMap('montserrat-latin-200', 200),
  createFontMap('montserrat-latin-200italic', 200, italic),
  createFontMap('montserrat-latin-300', 300),
  createFontMap('montserrat-latin-300italic', 300, italic),
  createFontMap('montserrat-latin-400', 400),
  createFontMap('montserrat-latin-400italic', 400, italic),
  createFontMap('montserrat-latin-500', 500),
  createFontMap('montserrat-latin-500italic', 500, italic),
  createFontMap('montserrat-latin-600', 600),
  createFontMap('montserrat-latin-600italic', 600, italic),
  createFontMap('montserrat-latin-700', 700),
  createFontMap('montserrat-latin-700italic', 700, italic),
  createFontMap('montserrat-latin-800', 800),
  createFontMap('montserrat-latin-800italic', 800, italic),
  createFontMap('montserrat-latin-900', 900),
  createFontMap('montserrat-latin-900italic', 900, italic)

This implementation allows adding fonts supported by modern browsers. If you want to support older browsers (e.g. add eot font), update the addFontFace mixin.